Friday, December 31, 2010

Why women say one thing but mean another

This is merely my opinion... Just speaking as a woman. Understand this though, my mind works differently then alot of women. Sooooooo in my opinion, experience and knowledge alot of women say one thing but mean another simply because... in some weird, strange some what unfair way, women expect men to be mind readers. Most women would never even agree with the fact they feel this way, because all woman want to come across fair and "one of a kind" when in all actuality we do infact expect men to display this behavior of "Knowing what we want" without actually saying what it is we want. Example: Alot of ladies will tell a man she's "NOT interested in a relationship" to seem to be on the same level as the man she may be interested to gain "Points" or in other words to appear on the "Same page". Alot of ladies do this (and I have been guilty of this) because they may be feeling the guy so much that they want to keep him in their zone. And then sometimes some women may really feel the same way but in the midst of dating, hanging out i.e., begin to get attached. Which you can't blame happening, if your a awesome guy. It's perfectly normal for a person to catch feelings. (TRUST ME men do this too, not only women.)

Another example, is when women tell men their "Not upset" about something but their actually really pissed. Aot of women do this because we want our man to know when we are pissed. In most cases depending on the relationship and bond he would know when she mean "I'm cooooo" versus "I'm ok babe" lol. (For the record when a woman says I'm cooooooooo" and holds the cooooooo she's not cool at all"

and last but not least, Us women are very emotional and sensitive as men know. Especially for the man we "LOVE" A good woman will LOVE a man regardless, broke, rich, raggedy or flashy, car no car, living with mama or secure with his own shit... But the best feeling in the world is when a man know how to please her. When he pays enough attention to know his woman's thought's, how she move, the things she do and the reasoning behind HER overall... See as little girls we have an idea how she wants her life to go. Success, meet the perfect man, Marry him, have beautiful babies and be in LOVE forever. LMAO as corny as that shit sound.. it's true in most cases. I even have a lil chic.... emotional, sensitive........type shit in me to actually want the same but yea..... anyways! We do the things off top that we "Think/raised up knowing" men need. Cook, clean, sex, take care of the kids, work, be the bottom bitch, wash the niggas clothes ALL THAT. so in return we expect men to know we have feelings and emotions that are delicate and require lots of attention.

Buuuut ya know idk, Those are my thoughts. Comment and let me know yours :)

*Disclaimer* I typed as i thought and I have ADD so if my blog seem everywhere in thought pattern, yea... that's my excuse :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

NYX Garnet Red

NYX Garnet Red. My favorite color.. FYI altho NYX is a really cheap brand ladies don't sleep on it, It's only like two bucks but this brand don't chip, and the shine is crazy. You don't have to use super expensive products to still be fly. Yea so no more fake nails, gel sets or hair color... I am going all natural, including nicely groomed natural nails :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Myself and Sabby Summer 2010

Really sweet girl. I love her muy mucho :)

Aquarian women... All you need to know :)

Aquarius women are referred to as the “heavenly bohemians,” because they seem to have their own rules and regulations as to their conduct and they completely reject others telling them what to do.
Aquarius is a fixed, airy sign. This means that these are girls are very rational by nature and exceedingly firm in their opinions.
Although an Aquarian woman might disagree completely with what you believe, she will certainly be open-minded enough to support your personal right to to your beliefs.
At times she may come across as detached and distant. If this is the case, it's not because she's indifferent to others, but because she's usually more concerned with humanity as a whole, rather than any one individual.
She probably isn't interested in winning approval or compliments, making her often bold, non-conforming, and sometimes shocking. Since she's probably not concerned as to what other people think of her, she often doesn't bother forming opinions about other people's behavior; a 'live and let live' attitude. Along these lines she's very unlikely to be into gossip, or to ever be petty.
She will probably be a rebel at heart, and may even be known to do things just to shock people. Intellectual, radical and exciting she may view others as slightly predictable and stuffy, appreciating those who are slightly unique themselves.
She will appreciate an intellectual and independent partner with an unconventional mind, who isn’t too emotionally needy. More than anything she wants an intellectual companion with whom she can communicate, and similarly the Aquarius woman often won’t consider a lover who isn’t her best friend first.
She can be hesitant about making a total commitment such as marriage, or any other form of partnership, because of her strong desire for independence. However, when an Aquarian marries, the marriage is usually stable.
Seducing Aquarius
Seducing Aquarius can be a lot of fun! These tend to be free-thinkers, and sometimes a little eccentric. They typically look totally normal but they are hard folk to categorize or predict. One of their main personality traits is indeed being unpredictable! There are some common traits however:

In order to know how to seduce an Aquarius woman, you should familiarize yourself with the general traits of her astrological sign. Independent and free thinkers, women born under this sign won't fall for empty flattery and sweet words. Take notes and learn how to attract and seduce an Aquarius woman.
Become her friend. Aquarius women look for potential mates who can also be her best friend. Trying to create a romantic relationship right away will turn her off. Pursue her as a friend and get to know her. Gradually increase the intimacy of the relationship as your friendship grows.
Don't cling to her. Aquarius women are independent and don't like the idea of being pinned down in a relationship. Let her have her freedom by spending time apart and hanging out with other people. You might even have to wait for her to invite you on a date so she doesn't feel like she's being controlled.
Expect occasional unresponsive behavior. Aquarius women care about humanity as a whole, so they find it difficult to concern themselves with the feelings of one individual. She may act distant sometimes, but don't let that stop you. Continue to show your interest in her.
Brush up on your conversational skills. Aquarius women need a partner who matches them intellectually. Discuss stimulating topics that both of you are interested in.
Be spontaneous. Aquarius women are rebellious and eccentric in nature and don't look for the acceptance of others. Don't overly plan dates and outings; show her that you can be rebellious, too.
She will make a strong companion. Despite their initial reluctance to involve themselves in a romantic relationship, Aquarius women are loyal partners. Treat her with respect, acknowledge and appreciate her quirks, and you may have a partner for life.

Blog comment and contact :)

Man this is sooo true.. I been tryna contact you for the longest. U are a major inspiration to me.. My mom passed this year I don't wanna elaborate too much on that but I will say we have a lot in common even though I am an Aries but man I'm only 22 young educated female just trying to make it.. Anyway I wanna talk to you more one on one I'm very private that's why I'm not saying much but is there a way we can talk via email or something? I wish u could be a nigga mentor lol kus I'm sooo lost in certain thangs I feel but I know your hella damn smart & wise already so please respond soon <3 u queen

I don't know who you are or how to contact you but plz email:

Monday, December 27, 2010

If I was a man.......

For years I've had many male friends. (No fcuking involved) Not too mention I have 3 brother's and a number of male cousin's that kept me in a certain place as I matured into a woman. Ya know, they kept me "Sharp" when it comes to men... not to mention the natural logic within my own mind. My brain works on a firm and fair basis. I have a very deep understanding, and again I'm a very Logical woman. What I am about to say is "Strickly" on a "If I was a man" theory. I am about to explain how I know I would operate as a guy.. and in no way am I making or creating a "escape go" for cheater's, manipulators, or womanizers. In fact for the record I will make it clear as a "Woman" My mind differ in my "If I was a man" theory and this blog is simply how my mind work.

Let me explain something to further demonstrate myself as a person. As many people know I am a very strong, bold woman. I know this... I have very strong beliefs in what I believe in but I also respect and can accept another person's views, still standing firm in my own. So know this. I have a dominating streak within myself so in that aspect I feel I can identify with the way a man think. That is why I feel I can write such blog describing "If I was a man" so here we go.


IF I WAS A MAN..... I would marry my bottom chic, off top or the woman I feel is genuine. I'd never ever marry the woman I am "ify" about. If something don't seem right most of the time it isn't. anyways she has to be my down my ride or die. She wouldn't have to worry about anything, Mortgage, Car note, Groceries, Bills etc. everything would be taken care of off top because I have a "Provider" mentality. I believe every man should take care of home... FIRST! above anything else. Home is home. Home is supposed to be comfortable as well as a stress free zone, when I'm out in the streets I'm in the streets but wifey and the kids shall always be happy and comfortable. Taking care of home, distinguishes so many problems. I don't believe men understand this. The things women bitch about are typically... Time, Money or another woman... and again, that's where taking care of home is number 1 PRIORITY!

Men are often know to have a chic or two on the sideline, either their sleeping with them or not, I can't front if I was a man although I love my wife with all of my heart I may have a chic I deal with for whatever personal reason... But side chic's should never ever have access or the ability to create problematic situations at HOME. Men slip all thee time when it comes to side hoes. (Fcuking with out rubber's, giving them the home number, buying them sentimental objects via credit card.. whatever)If you are keeping home locked down and creeping, the worse thing any man can do is give a "outside bitch" access and or information regarding home. As soon as a outside bitch feels she have significant info to screw a man over with his family, she will. And she will tell it all... not to mention make herself sound or appear more relevant then the wife, How fcuked up is that? In that case a deep deception wall will be built on the behalf of a wife. Wanna know more comment and let me know.. I will gladly share more insight on my thoughts :)

Coyote Point :)

My favorite shot to date. I love this pic :)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

US Pole Dance Championship 2010 Highlights

I love this shit!!

Webcam kazam!

Miz Dre pimping me...


2nd Photo shoot. Wow these where the days, lol! Photo shot by: Maurice Chatman

Now playing... "Far away" Marsha Ambrosius

This record means alot to me, word for word. Copy and past link to download song.

You don't know what you got till it's gone...

...That's the lesson.